Is “Fresh Air” Worth The Hype?

Ah! Fresh air and sunshine! Our parents and grandparents taught us that the best way to improve our health was to breathe in clean, outdoor air and stay outside as long as possible during warm weather.  But is that always true? What about the...

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It’s not that, it’s this.

“It’s not the heat, it’s the humidity” said every Mid-Westerner ever. We know we suffer on days when meteorologists tell us humidity is high, but what really is humidity and why are we so much more miserable on days when it rises? We here at...

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Phew! What’s that smell?

When the first chill of autumn creeps into your home, you flick a switch and on comes your furnace, delivering warm comfortable air to your family. But what happens if that warm air is accompanied by a funny odor? Stinky smells can happen at any...

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