Staying Safe and Warm If Your Furnace Goes Out

These frigid temperatures cause our furnaces and heating equipment to work harder, which increases the likelihood of a breakdown, especially if you have skipped regular maintenance check ups.

Maertin Heating & Cooling is here for you 24/7/365, but extreme weather can mean a back log on new equipment deliveries. You might have to wait longer than you’d like (and when it’s dangerously cold, we know you don’t want to wait at all!) for repairs or replacement.

If you ever find yourself without heat during the extreme cold of winter, your Maertin HVAC technicians recommend putting safety first when you generate and conserve heat in your home.

First, understand that many forms of heat generation can’t be used indoors safely because they involve open flames and toxic exhaust. Grills, open ovens, open flames on your stove, and camp stoves should never be used indoors for heat as they can cause a deadly build-up of carbon monoxide. Fireplaces and wood stoves can be used, as long as they are properly maintained and vented, with the damper wide open.

If you still have power, electric space heaters, electric blankets, and even strategically placed heating-pads can keep the chill away while you wait for repairs or replacement. Never leave electrical heating elements unattended and keep flammable materials at least 3 feet away from all heaters.

If your power is out, you can use a generator positioned outside the home and away from windows. Never place a generator indoors as they produce carbon monoxide.

Because you won’t be able to produce and circulate the same amount of heat as a working furnace does, take steps to conserve the heat you generate.

Heat a smaller, more confined area of your home, closing off unused spaces and using rolled towels underneath doors to block any drafts. A south-facing room will allow you to capture heat from sunlight, especially when you open your blinds during the day and close them at night. Keeping your family together in the same room will increase ambient air temperature to keep everyone warmer. Do a few jumping jacks, march in place or perform some light physical activity to increase your body temperature and bundle up under blankets or a sleeping bag.

Get cooking! Making big pots of soups and stews, and baking breads and cakes generates heat while using your oven and stove properly with the huge bonus of delicious, home cooked meals.

While safely generating heat and conserving the heat you have should keep you safe during a furnace emergency, you will need to keep an eye on your heating appliances and your home. Without a furnace circulating warm air, your house—and your water pipes—will get colder and could freeze. Open sink cabinet doors and let faucets run at a trickle can help prevent your pipes from freezing if you can’t get heat to all areas of your home.

Keep an eye on air quality. While sealing drafts can trap heat in, it also traps stale and potential dirty air. Be sure that you’re properly venting any sources of carbon monoxide and other air pollutants while you try to maintain heat in your home.

Maertin Heating & Cooling provides priority emergency service, but regular check-ups of your HVAC equipment helps ensure your furnace is ready to keep you warm and cozy during these brutal temperatures.

Do you have a Custom Service Agreement with us? Not only do your bi-annual tune-ups help avoid breakage, you’ll also get a 15% discount on any repairs you do need. Call us at 708-479-9350 to enroll in a service contract today!