Fall Has Arrived! We Want To See You!

The autumn equinox was Sunday morning and it seems from these cooler temperatures that Mother Nature got the message loud and clear; it’s time for fall in Lincolnway.

Everyone here at Maertin Heating & Cooling loves the crisper temperatures – and we also love our fall tune-up opportunity to say hello to all our present customers, and meet new ones. Our professional office staff has been reaching out to make appointments for your annual furnace maintenance check.

If you’re thinking, “Gosh, everything worked just fine last year. Do I really need to make time for this?” we answer, “Oh yes, you should!” Making sure your furnace is clean and ready to go on that first truly chilly night is important not only for your comfort, but for your family’s health and safety – and when you have a service contract, you certainly want to take advantage of your included tune-up.

Your Maertin trained professional technician will inspect your furnace’s mechanical system, electrical system, and drainage system including:

  • Heat exchanger
  • Gas valve operation
  • Gas pressure
  • Flue piping and draft
  • High temperature limits
  • Pressure switches
  • Combustion motor

We’ll check for loose or damaged wiring, rust or corrosion, ensuring proper, effective and, most of all, safe connections. We’ll perform an amp-draw test and compare it with your unit’s specifications. We’ll inspect:

  • Fan Switch
  • Voltage to unit
  • Blower motor/amperage

Your thermostat, either smart or analog, will be checked to make sure it’s communicating effectively with furnace.

We’ll check that mechanicals parts are moving smoothly and are well lubricated to prevent damage. This includes:

  • Pulleys
  • Shaft
  • Bearings

We’ll check your that humidifier is fully operational and that all belts are flexible and in good condition, with no signs of drying, fraying or wear.

We’ll also check carbon monoxide levels to protect your family. CO is odorless and can cause headaches, dizziness and nausea if not detected quickly. Carbon monoxide exposure is fatal if your house experiences an accelerated leak during the night while your family is asleep. Under Illinois law, if your home uses fossil fuel such as natural gas to cook, heat, or heat water, a CO detector is required within 15 feet of rooms used for sleeping. If you’re not sure your home has working CO detectors in appropriate locations, ask your technician for help.

When burners and ducts get clogged with dust and dirt, your furnace has to burn more fuel to meet the temperature you’ve set on the thermostat – and it’s also working harder to burn that fuel. You’ll save money on both fuel and wear and tear when we clean:

  • Heat exchanger
  • Burner
  • Flame sensor
  • Pilot assembly
  • Thermocouple          
  • Thermostat

We’ll also clean your drainage systems including hoses and traps to prevent blocks, clogs and leaks.

Your technician will remove dirty furnace filters and replace them with clean ones when you have correctly-sized clean furnace filters on hand. Talk to your technician about HEPA filters, which remove nearly 100% of airborne particles.

Even better, ask your technician about our Indoor Air Quality Installation Fall Special and save $100 on air cleaners, air scrubbers, humidifiers and dehumidifiers.

Your technician will then perform a safety check and, if needed, adjust:

  • Burner flame
  • Thermostat
  • Pilot flame
  • Gas pressure
  • Fan switch

Getting your furnace checked save you money. You’ll reduce your heating bills by up to 5% and experts says that about 75% of costly repairs can be avoided when little issues are detected and solved immediately during tune ups. You’ll avoid emergencies, your furnace will last longer and keep your home more comfortable.

If your fall tune up hasn’t been scheduled yet, call our office at 708-479-9350 or click here to make an appointment. Fall just isn’t the same if we haven’t talked!