There’s no time like the present to start thinking about how you can improve your home’s air quality now that the temperatures are starting to climb.

In this post, we’ll explore just a few of the many benefits of installing a filter into your home as spring season hits.


  1. Your Pets Won’t Irritate Your Allergies

Did you know that approximately 90% of all American homes have a detectable amount of pet dander and other pet allergens in their air?

This means that, even if you aren’t noticing an increase in your coughing, sniffling, and sneezing levels, you could still be impacted by pet allergens. However, it’s not just the annoyance of pet allergies that you need to worry about.

Many people aren’t as aware that their pet’s fur is also home to mold and other little critters like fleas and bugs that could potentially carry more serious diseases. Especially if you have children or elderly people (or those with weakened immune systems for another reason) in your home, you need to invest in an air filter this spring.

But why springtime specifically?

The answer is surprisingly simple. In the colder months, your pet might not be as interested in heading outside as they are in the spring and summer. This means that high levels of pet dander have had all winter to build up in your home.

Replacing or purchasing a new filter as the weather warms up is essential to giving the air in your home a — quite literally — fresh start.


2. An Air Filter Can Cut Down on Your Bills


Did you know that buying a filter can help you to save serious cash when it comes to your utility bills?


Over time, your HVAC unit — can get clogged up with pet dander, dirt, dust, spores, and lots of other nasty things. This means that your HVAC unit will need to work twice as hard to pump that cool air through your home at a normal rate. Of course, all that extra effort doesn’t come for free.

You’re likely going to be faced with a higher utility bill.

This means that the initial investment of buying an air filter will likely end up paying for itself. Your filter will work to trap all that dirt and pollen, preventing it from getting in the gears or your HVAC unit and even cutting down on the number of repairs you’ll need to make.


  1. It’s Good for The Environment

Of course, purchasing an air filter won’t only save you money on your bills — it will also help your household to reduce its overall impact on the environment.

This is because your filter will help you to cut down on the amount of energy your home is using. Additionally, it will work to remove harmful pollutants from the air, like secondhand smoke or even more toxic chemicals created by things like black mold and grime.

This isn’t just good for your family, it’s also good for the earth.

To ensure that your filter is working overtime for the environment, when you’re shopping for one, be sure to ask about its MERV number. This stands for “minimum efficiency reporting value.” Higher MERVs mean a higher level of filtration, which will help you to better reduce your environmental impact.


  1. Your Home Will Smell Fresh

Especially if you live in an apartment building or townhome, chances are you’ve been subjected to the bizarre and downright nasty odors from your neighbors’ homes at least once.

You’re not exactly sure what they’re cooking, but you do know that it smells terrible.

Of course, maybe your own home doesn’t always smell like a fresh spring day, either. Between your pets, your kids that seem incapable of taking off their soccer uniforms before sprawling on the couch, and even the smell of cleaning chemicals, there’s a lot going on in your home’s, uh, scent profile.

The good news?

An air filter can help you to conquer the stink.

It does this by trapping the odors — even the strongest ones, like spices, onions, and your mother-in-law’s horrible perfume. There are even air filters that come with reusable plates. This means that, instead of constantly having to replace the specific filtration mechanisms, you can simply wash and reuse them.

This isn’t just cost-effective and hassle-free, it’s also just one more way to go green.

We hope this post has convinced you of how incredibly important it is to make buying an air filter for your home a part of your overall spring cleaning strategy.

Not only will it help to filter out foul-smelling and potentially irritating pollutants, it will also help to extend the life of your HVAC system and lower your utility bills.

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